As for the start of Sailboat living, let me just say this:
Trip to the doctor - $30,
Antibiotics, $23
Watching the jeweler removing Ron's wedding ring with a saw - Priceless.
Here is how day one went:
1. Sleep for 4 hours after not sleeping during the 18 trip to get here.
2. Wake up and have coffee in the cockpit - very nice
3. Find our where the nearest medical clinic is.
4. Take Ron to the clinic and wait an hour to see the doc because his ring finger has been mysteriously swelling for two days and is now turning purple and blue in spots and is the size of a small cucumber.
5. Find a pharmacy and get antibiotics for something called "fish poisoning" which is caused by a bacteria that some fish and shellfish carry and has somehow gotten into a scratch when Ron was scraping the barnacles off the dingy on Saturday.
6. On the doctor's concerned advise, we had to locate a jeweler in Simpson Bay that could cut off Ron's wedding ring (with thanks to Lindsay, who works in the boatyard rebuilding engines and offered to do it)
7. Get groceries and something very quick for dinner.
After day 2 of antibiotics, I think the color is starting to return to something resembling normal and the swelling may be going down a touch, but I think Ron would trade the pain in his finger for just about anything.
At least we got to enjoy a sunset from the cockpit - Olivia and I.
Olivia is, as always, a stellar traveler. She is so content to be wherever we are and watch the world go by and. She loves her cabin on the boat is has already claimed the space under the dining table as her "fort". She squeals with delight when we go across the lagoon in the dingy and loves to go fast over the rollers and wake from other boats. She's already picking up on a few boat chores and is getting her sea legs quite quickly.