April 12, 2010

Easter and Catching up

One day rolls into the next here so quickly. Yes, we are still in St.Maarten, but are now pretty much ready to roll. Our plan was to leave today, but we're waiting for one of our deck stantions to come back from welding today. Just as well - it's been blowing and raining on and off here like crazy for the past several days and wouldn't be at all pleasant to sail in. Looks like the next weather window to go in will be late Tuesday or Wednesday and we'll be ready. I have a rental car for today to do the last big stock up shopping at CostULess (Caribbean version of Costco, but smaller), fill propane, pick up laundry, return our modem (which hardly ever works anyway) and Ron will be busy getting the autohelm adjusted, repairing that stantion, replacing a turnbuckle on one of the main stays and a few other last minute things. We were having some on going problems with our dingy outboard and Ron has since bought and tuned up another old outboard that Lindsay had kicking around the shop. Lindsay has been so great at helping us out with info, parts, and general knowledge about all things mechanical or boating related.

Backing up to last weekend....Last Saturday, we were invited to Del and Mike's home for a wonderful Easter potluck dinner with the group that has somewhat 'adopted' us while we're here. Everyone brought something yummy and coupled with Del's fabulous cooking, we had a feast fit for a king! Great food and great company.

The Easter Bunny does indeed visit the Caribbean Islands and in fact, favors good little girls on sailboats. After we finished finding all the treats that the bunny left on our boat, we went to a little place in the lagoon called Turtle Pier for breakfast, Easter Egg coloring and an egg hunt. This is where many of the cruisers meet on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings for general get together and exchange of information, book/dvd swaps, etc.

On the 8th, I celebrated another 39th birthday with a wonderful Aloe Vera (quite gooey) full back and foot massage on the beach...it was heaven!

We are really looking forward to getting on with the next part of our journey, but we'll sure miss the great people we've befriended here. Download speed is very slow at best from here so pics will follow soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures, Val!!

Stay safe. Live the dream.

Hugs to all,
